Jamiya Yarbrough from Holly Springs Intermediate School won three gold medals in the Special Olympics Saturday, May 13
Wed May 31 11:50 AM

Sixteen students are participating in the Sign Language Club during activity period a few afternoons a week
Thu May 11 09:02 AM

A group of Holly Springs Intermediate School students enjoyed getting their hands dirty Wednesday, April 12.
Fri Apr 21 03:45 PM
Links for Students
iReady Login Information:
- Login: first initial, last initial, lunch number
- Password: birth "day", lunch number
Performance Matters Login Information:
- Login: first initial, last initial, lunch number
- Password: 00, lunch number
Lexia Login Information:
- Click on the button that says: Login with Clever
- The login information will be the student's lunch number only for both login and password. Do not use the initials.
- 4th & 5th Grade -- click on the Lexia Core5 Button
- 6th Grade -- click on the PowerUp Button
Online Learning: “What Can I do to Help My Child Be Successful”
Important Files for Parents / Students
School Calendar